Brand Development

Proven Contractor Branding to Make Your Company A Household Name

Your brand is much more than a logo or anice looking website it represents your identity, what your company stands for, your values, passion, and who you are. At Contractors Goldmine™ we create brands that are memorable and recognizable to your audience on an emotional level and then we leverage your brand using multi-media to make you a household name in your market.
We incorporate expertly crafted content and visuals to make a memorable connection between your brand and your target audience…homeowners in your service area.

Targeted E-Blast Campaigns That Work

Email marketing is your pipeline to your existing customers, as well as an informative tool to stay in front of your prospects gently guiding towards becoming customers. Our Contractors Goldmine™ E-Blast programs are written and designed so you can stay in the forefront of your target audiences, and you can measure your effectiveness through opens and clicks.

No need to reinvent the wheel, our experts know the right subject lines, design templates, and have proven roadmaps to follow to produce winning email copy for drip campaigns that will produce phone calls and form submissions, right from your own landing pages. Let Contractors Goldmine™ implement your email outreach today.